Family Fotos

Friday, May 26, 2006

It's a good thing I like to take pictures....

Anyone for ribs?

Jr. Takes his baseball very seriously.

Damien helps Grace hunt eggs.

We have a big family!

Good times, noodle salad

MMM... glitter eggs are good!
I'm keepin' score! Who's on first?!

Thank You Easter Bunny!

Our Portraits?

A few more shots

Hi Ya'll! food. Is that cous cous?

Nothing quite like a little beer to wash down some cake and ice cream. Our Uncle Ted hooked us up with these cool aluminum beer bottles.
What a good dad, beer and baby monitor.

More of the Hole

Stick your Face in this Hole!

Butch & His his own admittance.

What Is this???

This is just kinda gonna be a little place for everyone to come look at pictures of family gatherings and parties and stuff. I'll be working on it only as time permits, which may be often and may not be quite so often. I'm going to try to put up pics from previous events such as our Easter party and Christmas, etc. Just a place for the family to look at each other and laugh. If you have any pictures you'd like included send them to me via email and I'll see what I can do. And look- we're all famous now, got our own web page.

Party Puke

We're motel 6, and we'll leave a light on for ya. This one happens to be by the men's outhouse.
Cherry bombs were da bomb.
Everyone wants to party, no one wants to clean up.

Where are the racoons that got in the Jell-o Shots?
What a mess! We did get some help later in the morning, thanks to everyone for a great party!

The Luau