Family Fotos

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Larry's 60th Birthday

It was a good party at the Ice House again. Larry turned 60 and the night was, for the most part, all about him. Poor Uncle Butch was forced to sleep on his couch because, after I moved the blow up doll out of his bed, I crashed in his room with Grace and woke up the next morning wearing some Marine Corps Tshirt and a pair of his underwear for pajamas. Anyway, it was a great party!!!

Just some of the peeps

Messages for Little Butch

I asked some poeple to write a message to Butch in Iraq, but as you can see most people in the family don't read n write real well and so they just gave up and sent sign language instead.

before n after

a lot of stuff happened between these two pictures

Dancin the night away

Shoes not required, just some good Skynnard and a bunch of beer.

Perhaps the most disturbing thing of all...

What is this brokeback shit?

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Liquor up front...

... Poker in the rear

me playing poker... the big blind.

From a 7 year old's perspective

Some of the interesting (?) pictures Shelby took. Apparently she likes to photograph feet.

what a ham.

this is why I shouldn't drink.

Sharpie Marker Tattoos

I found a Sharpie in Uncle Arthur's shirt pocket. I found blank canvas everywhere!!!

Poker Night

we kept betting against each other until finally one of us called it...and we had the exact same hand.

get down!!!
Trying to be some kind of a shark.

Shelby had my camera all night...she took over 300 pictures, mostly of her feet and hands, but there were a few good ones in there.
Chalk monsters